집에서 사용하는 가전기기, 특히 컴퓨터, 텔레비젼, 프린터 이런 것들은 사용을 하지 않는다고 꺼 놨겠지만 전기는 계속 소모되고 있다. 내부적으로 240V를 저전압의 직류로 변환하는 트랜스가 기계 속에 들어 있기 때문이다.
이런 조그만 전력을 다 모으면 그것도 꽤 된다.
뭐 가장 좋은 방법은 사용을 하지 않을 때 전원코드를 빼 버리면 되겠지만 일일이 귀찮아서 안 하기 때문에 일정시간동안 사용하지 않으면 자동 차단하겠다는 것이 이 장치의 핵심인 것이다.
문제는 이 멀티탭이 50불을 넘는다는 것인데 인터넷으로 신청을 하면 4개 까지 무료로 설치해 준다니 시도해 보자. 공짜 행사가 없어지기 전에 어서 해야지.
무료 멀티탭 신청하기 : http://www.energyefficienttechnologies.com.au/index.php?page=register
<참고 페이지 > http://www.energyefficienttechnologies.com.au/
Smarter Living does not mean having to sacrifice your comfort of Lifestyle EETECH has developed a product to eliminate energy waste. Our products help you live smarter every day. Call us or apply online to book your installation today and Start Living Smarter!
Our products are:

- Clever energy saving solution
- Fully automated
- No lifestyle changes
- Plug in and Save
- Our Devices save hundreds of dollars of your energy bills
The device makes sure standby power is eliminated, when your audio-visual appliances such as your TV are switched off. It also has timers that detects when you have left your appliances on and no longer require their use and switches them off for you.
For example if you have left the room but forgot to switch off your TV , the timer will do that for you and then all you need is to press any button on your remote control twice to turn your TV back on.
Smart Power Board PC AV ™ was developed by EET for the IT Information Technology Environment. It automatically detects when there is no interaction between the consumer and the PC (Personal Computer) or Laptop Computer and automatically switches the peripheral /connected appliances off.
This occurs once the computer has gone into off, standby, sleep or hibernate mode. For IT appliances, the EET Smart Power Board PC ™ device is used. Whenever your computer goes into standby, hibernate or off mode, the device removes power from all of the connected devices such as a printer and scanner. Power is immediately and automatically restored when the computer is reactivated.
Please visit our "Product Specs" page if you wish to download our Temporary User Manual. The updated User Manual will be available shortly.
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