카테고리 없음

호주 개인사업자번호 등록

멜번초이 2015. 7. 10. 16:44

  • Apply for an ABN

    Australian Business Register(ABR)을 통해서 호주 사업자 번호(ABN)를 등록할 수 있는데  무료이다. 우편이나 온라인으로 신청을 할 수 있다.  우편으로 신청할 경우 양식은  lodge a form 를 사용한다.

    To get an ABN you must be carrying on an enterprise in the form of a business. Your application will be refused if you are not entitled.

    일단 한번 등록을 하게 되면 사업에 대한 상세정보를 늘 최신 정보로 유지할 책임이 있다.  

    Apply online

    Your application will be processed faster if we can identify you with the information you provide.

    Further information

    Read What you need for your ABN application to ensure you have the required information before starting the application.

    End of further information

    Applying for other business registrations

    If your application is successful or if you get a reference number you can continue and apply for other business registrations.

    Apply for an ABN

개인사업자 신청결과 조회 :   http://abr.business.gov.au/SearchByAbn.aspx?abn=35119372819

ABN Lookup

ABN Lookup is the public view of the Australian Business Register (ABR). It provides access to publicly available information supplied by businesses when they ...

ABN Lookup tools

However, if you have multiple searches, the ABN Lookup tools ...

Individual/Sole Trader

Individual/Sole Trader. The Tax Office distinguishes between ...


You can use the search box at the top of every page to search ABN ...

active ABNs and names

ABN LookupSearchSearch results - active ABNs and names ...

Advanced search

ABN LookupAdvanced search. Search ... Advanced search ...

Entity types

ABN LookupHelpEntity types ... Trust · Commonwealth ...

ABN Lookup 에서 SUNG CHOI 라고 입력하고검색하면 내 사업자번호가 나온다.