dlcall 오류 날 때
651 (T) TC :090953349239:080519090953nbtap000145100000000:14510 [bncsppayse:bncsppaysend.c :c100 :00260] >> PFMTRY [pfmDbioOpenCursorArray("tb_nb_nc_sh_pyin] 입구
652 (E) PFM:090953356367:080519090953nbtap000145100000000:14510 [bncsppayse:pfmdbio.pc :_pfmDbioStoreParam :01319]
653 [-90001010][DBIO] pfmDbiotb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs Library 호출에 실패하였습니다
654 [dlopen error: Unsatisfied code symbol '_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001_call' in load module '/aplog/tdlcall/run/pfmDbiotb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs.482ec6a1'.]
655 (T) TC :090953358277:080519090953nbtap000145100000000:14510 [bncsppayse:bncsppaysend.c :c100 :00260]
656 << PFMTRY [pfmDbioOpenCursorArray("tb_nb_nc_sh_pyin] 출구 RC [-1] ERRCODE [] TIME [00.009036]
657 (E) AP :090953358300:080519090953nbtap000145100000000:14510 [bncsppayse:bncsppaysend.c :c100 :00263]
658 Cursor open error DBIO[권유비급여팀전송파일생성Fetch Loop], ERR_NO[-90001010], ERR_STR[[DBIO] pfmDbiotb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs Library 호출에 실패하였습니다
659 [dlopen error: Unsatisfied code symbol '_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001_call' in load module '/aplog/tdlcall/run/pfmDbiotb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs.482ec6a1'.]]
실제 binary 파일을 체크해 보면 해당 function 이 비정상적으로 생성되어 있음을 알수 있다. 이런 경우 다시 컴파일하여 새로 생성해 줘야 한다.
nbtap01#/nbsdev/tmax/tdlcall/mod>nm pfmDbiotb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs.sl | grep _call
[118] | 6917529027641089320| 8|OBJT |GLOB |0| .bss|Forbidden_Function_calloc
[112] | 0| 0|FUNC |GLOB |0| UNDEF|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001_call
[111] | 4611686018427423920| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf002_call
[110] | 4611686018427440032| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf003_call
[109] | 4611686018427456080| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf010_call
해당 function 새로 컴파일 한다.
[ proframe ]>rebuild_dbiolib.csh -m tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001
Start of generate DBIO-library <tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001>
-----> 1. Generate the source of <tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001>
-----> 2-2. Compile the source generated awhile ago
-----> 3. Generate an entry-function source for DLCALL
-----> 4. Compile entry-function source and link object files
-----> 5. DLUPDATE
Generating DBIO-library <tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001> is done.
다시 binary 를 체크해 보면 정상적으로 function 이 생성되어 있다.
[ proframe ]>nm $DBIOLIBDIR/libpfmDbiotb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs.sl | grep _call
[133] | 6917529027641090824| 8|OBJT |GLOB |0| .bss|Forbidden_Function_calloc
[126] | 4611686018427428592| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf001_call
[125] | 4611686018427448400| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf002_call
[124] | 4611686018427464512| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf003_call
[123] | 4611686018427480560| 512|FUNC |GLOB |0| .text|_pdb_tb_nb_nc_sh_pyinvtcs_vf010_call
이제는 dlcall 호출이 정상적으로 된다.